find words for wordfeud, scrabble and other wordgames
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Wordfeud, WordFinder, English disctionary, wordfeud in english,find words for Wordfeud and other wordgames, wordgames, online wordsearch

This scrabble helper is now available in 9 languages. This is the English version with a wordlist in english.

Just enter your tiles, and get a list of english words with zero or one tile extra, and filter out the wordlist by clicking the 'extra tile' on the board.

Players claim: this is the best word finder i found online. I use it mainly to cheat on wordfeud, and I am a winner now!!

NEW: Wordcounter tool: Calculate the word-fequency, the number of words and characters in a text online: this wordcounter ideal for bloggers. The word frequency counter helps you optimazing word-density for SEO.
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